Saturday, November 24, 2007

# 20 You too can YouTube

I have spent some time looking at lots of interesting clips on YouTube. You can really get carried away here!

I really liked the Medieval IT Help Desk at - I could relate to the poor fellows confusion with new technology (the book!),
and Conan the Librarian at

I looked at quite a few clips on libraries, and then started looking at fiddle music clips of Alasdair Fraser, a really wonderful Scottish fiddle player who now lives in America. I hadn't really looked at the YouTube site before (only seen odd video clips elsewhere). It was really great to see some good clips of fiddle concerts. I wanted to post an Alasdair Fraser clip on to my blog but the clips of his concerts said no embedding by request. I guess that means that I can't do it, but maybe I can still add a link to one. I ended up putting a funny one of Mr Bean in the library on the blog instead.

The Alasdair Fraser video clip I wanted to share is at -

Video clips could be used on the library website or blog for recording events, author talks, library promotion, reader education explanations about aspects of the library. They could be used on the staff intranet for teaching purposes, promotion of branches, news etc etc.

The material that is already on YouTube varies between really good clips and rubbish. Libraries can however create their own material.

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