Sunday, November 11, 2007

# 13 Tagging and (a social bookmarking site) will be really great for organising bookmarks, being able to access them from any computer, and for the capability of sharing a network of useful Internet sites with other people.

After looking at the site at I created my own account, and added toolbar buttons to my computer for easy access to my listings and for easy tagging of useful Internet sites. I then tagged a number of sites that I had been using and will want to visit again in the future, as well as some for my nephew Aden.
I added a Network Badge to my blog (a little link to my listings) and a list of my tags (subject headings that I had used to describe the Internet sites I listed) in a cloud formation.

When I have more time I will go back and have a look at what other people are listing and tagging. I can see that following the tag trail of another user could yield some useful sites on topics of interest as well.

The facility could be well used for sharing a network of useful Internet sites with a group of colleagues, friends, or library patrons.

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